is a listing Portal with the information related to Hindu rituals and those who are involved directly or indirectly like Purohits, Pundits, Priests, Pujaris, Astrologer, Jyotish, Katha Vachak, Path Vachak, Palmist, Face Reader etc. It provides various information about Pujas and its processes. Please note that is only providing the information and it does not confirm or provide any opinion about any Puja process or the way of performing Puja by any Purohits/ Pandits etc.
The information can be in the form of Text, Photos and Videos. Our effort has gone to check the authenticity of the information that have been collected or received in the form of text, photo or video data or any kind of advertisement. The information have been received as shared by everyone and the same information have been displayed here in good faith. If any damage or loss occur to anyone due to the use of any of the information displayed here, is not responsible or liable any way directly or indirectly. invites service providers to register their listings in this portal. Service providers or Product sellers are welcome to put their information here in the form of advertisement. clarifies that it does not take any responsibilities to check the quality, authenticity, legality or reputation of products, services or service providers.
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Our intention is to provide the useful information to help user to get the right service they require. If anyone feels that some information is not correct, please notify us for rectifications. Similarly if any listed person wants to remove his / her name from the list, please inform us to do so, we will immediately take action accordingly. If by chance any listing has been appeared which is not supposed to, we request you to inform us the same for rectification.
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